The Perfect Xmas Gifts Curated By Mimi

The Perfect Xmas Gifts Curated By Mimi

Heck, I know the holidays are more than a month away, but coming from this crazy, xmas obsessed gal….I can’t wait!

I already started practicing Christmas Carols in my singing lesson with Kim Sutherland, and let me warn my friends, I will be singing “Santa Baby” and “Silent Night” from now until January. Not to mention my obsession with xmas movies, especially the super cheesy one’s on ABC Family.

But let’t get down to business….

Priding myself on being an observer of human beings(I find them fascinating), I have learned a thing or two about gift giving.

Firstly, it’s not the thought that counts-people do not want something they cannot use or is not beautiful to look at. Secondly, a good gift does not need to cost an arm and a leg.

Here are my gifts that will make you the hero in your loved one’s lives this xmas, broken down into 3 categories: For Everyone, For the Special Girl, For the Special Guy.

For Everyone:

1) Diptyque Holiday Candles

Smells Like Chic Xmas
Smells Like Chic Xmas

I am obsessed with these candles, especially the Holiday Collection! My absolute favourite is the Resine. When I light this candle, I am transported to my childhood home in Connecticut with a vision of my dad propping up an enormous Evergreen. The sweet and woody smell permeated our house, and although I sucked at decorating those xmas trees, they were still beautiful nonetheless.

For folk in NL, you can buy the candles at Skins. They run for around 60 Euro, but last so long and have such a vibrant scent. Trust me!!

Get them before they run out!

2) Hermes Coffret With 3 Customizable Luxury Soaps

Cuz I can't afford the Birkin...
Cuz I can’t afford the Birkin

This Hermes coffret will look absolutely beautiful in the bathroom and can also be placed in closets to gently scent your clothing. Now who in your life wouldn’t benefit from some Parisian style?

A gift this elegant is more than worthy of its 48E price tag. And, no, I don’t think your friends will be offended if you buy them soap, and if they do, then I wouldn’t be friend with them anymore.

3)Charbonnel et Walker Truffles

Hey, if they are good enough for the Queen...they are good enough for me!
Hey, if they are good enough for the Queen…they are good enough for me!

These are the truffles that Queen Elizabeth loves and my absolute fave flavour is the Marc de Champagne. Heck, why not throw in a baby bottle of Rose Moet while you are at it as these babies start at around 12E for a small ballotine.

In general, everyone loves chocolate, especially great quality chocolate. And if they don’t then they should not be your friend.

For the Special Guy:

It can be tough buying a great gift for your guy, but I have a few no fail ideas…

1) The Mr Porter Paperback-The Manual for a Stylish Life

Every man should lead a stylish life
Every man should lead a stylish life

This bad boy will set you back 175E but…it is completed with gold-edged pages,and is limited to just 500 copies around the world.

I love receiving and giving books, and if you do too, check out Mr Porter for more ideas

2) Mulberry Leather Gloves

Love the Glove
Love the Glove

I must say that most guys don’t think to buy themselves a classic pair of leather gloves, so it is my sure fire way to buy something both beautiful and useful.

For the Special Girl:

Women, no matter how practical, love beautiful things and love the thought that you actually put some effort into buying her a special gift. So if you don’t have your special girl’s bff on speed dial to get the insider tips, here are my recommendations that will make her xmas morning even better….

1) A gift box of her favourite perfume

A gift she will wear all year long
A gift she will wear all year long

Did you notice I emphasised the her? Perfume is a very personal thing so don’t risk getting adventurous and buying some new, trendy fragrance or even worse, something your ex wore that you loved. Buy her what she already wears or what she has been mentioning she would love to get. These sets usually come with a body lotion or shower gel which is always super nice.

2) A gift certificate to her favourite spa or the spa she has been meaning to try.

My best pics in Amsterdam are :

The City Street Spa for a great mani/pedi or facial.

If you want to treat your girl to the best massage ever, then look no further than Chill Out Spa. Ask for David Dijkstra and the Mayan Massage.

3) The Fabulous Classic Item(If she has been very good girl this year)

Now what do I mean by this….

The classics are classics for a very good reason. They are timeless and look good on everyone. And there are very few things that remain timeless in this ever changing world. Here are my top picks:

Burberry Trench

Burberry is a bonafide winner
Burberry is a bonafide winner

Saint Laurent Cabas Y Leather Tote


So I think you catch my drift by now…

And to my dear friends, yes, you will be getting something from my curated list. You all know I am horrible at surprises 🙂

Lots of love,

Men…Please do not do this!!!

Good taste and great manners speak a thousand words…. and to all you men out there….you might be the kindest, sweetest, smartest fellow, but if the way you present yourself doesn’t reflect that you actually have a point of view on this world, you are selling yourself short. Show up like you give a damn. And in the words of ZZ Top-“Every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man”.

Here are the top 10 things that will make me run like the wind from a guy, in no particular order:

1) Bad shoes. Don’t kid yourselves,men, but a woman will take one look at your shoes and draw a whole bunch of conclusions. Not only are proper shoes important, but clean and well taken care of shoes are imperative. Unless you are trying to make a fashion statement, of course.

I actually took the below picture at the Woon Mall in Amsterdam. This shoe actually exists and is not a figment of my imagination.


Now that is more like it....
Now that is more like it….


2) Bad Hygiene/Bad teeth/Poor oral hygiene. In the words of Tom Ford “Perfect teeth. If you don’t have them, save up and get them fixed”. Make sure you take care of yourself.

Cary Grant.  What a smile, what style!
Cary Grant. What a smile, what style!

3) Dirty, unkempt fingernails. Please take care of your hands because just like shoes, that is one of the first places women look.

4) Overly trendy sunglasses

Like this, not like this
Like this, not like this

5)White belts. And shoes(Unless they are sneakers).Nuff said.

6)Your socks should always match the colour of your trousers, or be totally cool and funky. White socks are always a no-no.

ooh la la
ooh la la

7) Overly trendy, large, or ostentatious watches. A classic watch is a much better investment. Doesn’t have to be expensive, just a classic style. It is the difference between communicating ” I like to party like a frat boy” or ” I like the finer things in life”

8) Overgrown hair. Find the best barber you can afford and get regular haircuts that are relevant to the decade you are living in. No excuses.

9) Wrinkled/Stained/Too tight/Two sizes too big clothes

10) Flip flops at work. If you can wear it to the beach, it has no place in the office

And because I knew you would ask…Nick Wooster is the epitome of men’s style in my opinion. Mens Fashion Director at the Neiman Marcus Group(including Bergdorf Goodman).


And another bonus….double click and you will see 50 more tips!

Lots of love,

How NOT To Get Arrested By The Fashion Police

The best outfit can be ruined by a few simple faux-pas. Don’t commit fashion suicide! Simply follow the below:

1) Proper undergarments! VPL(visible panty line) can make you look like you have 4 asses and a muffin top when you actually don’t. Ensure your underwear fits well, does’t cut into your waist(or butt or hips), and lays flat. My best reco in Hanky Panky.

I'm too sexy to wear...proper undies
I’m too sexy to wear…proper undies

2) Match your undergarments to your outfit. Drives me nuts to see thongs peeking out of low cut jeans or a black panty under white pants, and vice versa. And always, always wear a nude bra and panties under white anything. Your undergarments should NEVER show, unless you are trying to make a fashion statement.

Not classy....
Not classy….

3) Take proper care of your shoes. If your heel is needing some TLC, take them to the cobbler(shoe repair guy/gal). Nothing says ” I don’t give a shit what I look like” more than a raggedy pair of shoes. I bring my shoes 1-2 times per year and they have lasted me ages. I resole my pumps and boots and repair the heels. Always.

4) De-pill your sweaters. You know those fuzzies that accumulate around the areas where you have most friction…underarm, butt, etc. I use a sweater comb from JCrew, but a razor(yes, for shaving) or pumice stone is good as well. Just be careful, especially with fine knits.

Fuzz be gone!
Fuzz be gone!

5) Wear a belt on the SLIMMEST part of your body-your waist or under your chest.I see many ladies slinging a belt around the hips, which is usually the widest point on your figure. It is like saying ” Yoohoo, look over here”. That is what a belt does. Unless you are pregnant, never, ever do this.

Only acceptable way to do it
Only acceptable way to do it

6) Camel toe. Enough said. Means pants are too tight or cut wrong.

7) Sandals with socks or stockings. Don’t do it. If you need some support under a cocktail dress, wear Spanx.

Surest way to look like  granny...
Surest way to look like granny…

8) Too short or too long pants. Please make friends with your local tailor and get your pants hemmed to perfection. The ideal length should hit right in the middle of your heel. This is the classic measure.

Where's the flood?
Where’s the flood?

I knew you would ask...
I knew you would ask…

9) Too tight clothing. Ladies, make sure your clothes fit and properly button. Bunching around the buttons is the surest sign you have outgrown your fave shirt….oh well, excuse to go shopping!!!

10) Muffin top. I think this fashion criminal needed a bit more exposure. Low cut pants, if not from soft material, can create muffin top. Don’t buy the pants if they do this to your body!!!!


Follow these tips which are timeless and you will always look sharp.

Lots of love,

Mimi’s Best of the Best NL

Me and My BFF @ Pere Ubu this Xmas
Me and My BFF @ Pere Ubu this Xmas

I have an insatiable curiosity to have the inside info; to discover the best places to eat, get beautified, party….I must know and I must share. Also, living in different countries and not knowing where to go get a haircut(without ending up with a mullet) can be very frustrating! So here is my list of all the “Best of” that I have uncovered so far in the beautification department:

1) Haircut and color-Ashley Emmanuel Henn at Toni&Guy(Magna Plaza). Ashley is an artiste and gorgeous. So passionate about what he does, and you will feel like a beauty queen after you leave his chair. His stories are equally hilarious, as he is talented.

Me and the Artiste..Ashley!
Me and the Artiste..Ashley!

2)Manicure and pedicure-City Street Spa. Open from 10-8 every day(woohoo) and has the service level that I am accustomed to receiving in the US. Thanks, H, For sharing this!

Lincoln Park After Dark-OPI
Lincoln Park After Dark-OPI

3) Eyebrows/Threading/Lashes/Fashion-Natasja Logchies is the EYEBROW QUEEN! Her threading technique will give you the best shape for your face. She also helps with…uh…other areas 🙂 She is based in Laren at Beauty Culture.

4) Dentist– Dr. Taj! Gerard can give you a brilliant smile with his amazing aesthetics. He fixed my teeth which were completely destroyed from “grinding”. Yes, I grind my teeth at night, especially in periods of stress. He is also a lovely guy with a great personality.

5) Beauty products– Although I do order lots of stuff online, I absolutely love SKINS. They have great,niche brands like Phillip B., Aesop and my fave candles-Diptyque! Also they have an amazing selection of artisan(Anna Maria-this is your fave word!) perfumes, because after all, who wants to smell like the next girl? Go over there to get a very special scent that will become your trademark!

6) Facial-Rachel Lamme is the best aesthetician I have ever had! Thanks, Peggy Nab and Zoe Cox for introducing me. She is based in Amersfoort, but trust me, it is worth the trip. Latest skin rejuvenation techniques(no bullshit frou frou stuff) from the most caring, sweet, beautiful facialist. You will look 5 years younger after you visit her….and your skin will be radiant and feel like silk! She also does body sculpting, like endermologie, but I know none of us have cellulite. 🙂 I also buy ALL of my skin care products from Rachel. Amazing, cosmecutical(phramaceutical+cosmetic) brands that deliver big results at a fraction of the price of the big label brands.

I promise that my reco’s truly are the best I have discovered so far, but that the people behind them are also truly remarkable. It is soooo important to me that I feel a connection with these folks and that I leave their “beautification” chambers feeling their positive energy!

Do you have anything to add? Would love to hear it!! After all, sharing is caring:)

Lots of love,

Top 10 Make Up Must Haves

Selfie in my office :)
Selfie in my office. No filter 🙂

I don’t know about you, but I always want to look well rested, bright eyed, and “glowy”. My top picks are truly nothing short of miraculous. I promise they will give you the most natural effect with the least amount of effort. So I am giving away my secrets to the “Mimi Glow”. The list is long, but if you must be more minimalistic, don’t leave home without #2, #3, and #9.Here goes:

1) Foundation
Bare Minerals
Can give very light or heavy coverage, depending on how much you build it up. Gives your skin a warm glow and looks super natural. If you want your skin to look flawless, this is for you. Also, it is 100% natural so will not irritate your skin or cause break outs.
2) Concealer
Maybelline Instant AgeRewind
Doesn’t settle into fine lines and is an instant brightener.
Cle de Peu
A bit heavier coverage than Maybelline, but necessary when you have had a long night and need a bit more “brightness” under the eye area.
Benefit Stay Don’t Stray
This is actually a primer, but I like it as a concealer. Great coverage and will not budge!! Great for a special event.
3) Best Glow Creating Product
Nars The Multiple
My fave colour is Orgasm. Cannot rave enough about this product. It is a peachy, shimmery cream stick that you can apply anywhere. I use it as blush. It is my ultimate must have!! I never leave home without it!
4) Blush
Nars Blush
Again, the colour is Orgasm.A very naughty name for a very nice blush. My trick is to layer the product on top of the Multiple Cream blush. Lasts all day, even after a workout. It is a shimmery, peachy colour that looks good on everyone.
Charlotte Tilbury Cheek to Chic
I am currently obsessed with First Love. It has a really cool 2 dimensional structure, which has a pop of colour and a highlighter surrounding the core.
Nars Bronzer in Laguna
Very natural hue that makes you look like you have had a weekend away. Also great for contouring.
Bare Escentuals Warmth
Finely milled and warms up all skin tones for a beautiful glow
Chanel Glossimer
Has a gel-like consistency that makes this product really last. Literally melts into your lips. # 2 is my fave colour, but unfortunately, they do not sell it in Europe, so I stock up when I am in the US.
I bet you were all wondering why I had not listed Mac yet, as I am a devotee.My faves are Tinted Lipglass and Plushglass. I go either totally sheer or full on pearlized. Go hard or go home!!
Nars Lip Laquer
My fave colours are Chelsea Girls(warm nude-no shimmer) and Baby Doll(natural, pearlized pink). Jennifer Aniston likes Chelsea Girls. And she is half Greek 🙂
Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil
Roman Holiday(natural, but bright pink with a slight shimmer) and Belle Du Jour(matte nude) are my faves. I layer them under the Nars Lip Laquer for a long lasting result. I also use these as lipliner.
Charlotte Tilbury
K.I.S.S.I.N.G Lipstick
This is a recently launched, UK based brand. All of her products are amazing!!
Edward Bess Defining Lip Liner
My go to colour is Natural(yes, that is the name of the colour). Goes with absolutely every lipstick shade from red to nude. A cool, almost greyish nude. May sound weird to choose a grey undertone, but have you ever had your lipgloss bleed with a warm toned lipliner? Ends up looking orange…like you have spaghetti sauce around your mouth.
Dolce&Gabbana The Lipliner
#9 is my absolute must have!! Again, greyish nude. Seeing a pattern here?
BTW, I am not a fan of a dark lip, so all my pics are very natural with a slight brightness.
8) Eyeliner
I am not one to fuss with eyeliner, as it usually produces an inconsistent result. I usually take a dark eyeshadow and apply it with a brush for a softer, smokier effect. However, my top pic for eyeliner when you need a defined look is:
Make-Up Forever Aqua Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil in Star Black
Charlotte Tilbury The Feline Flick Liquid Eye Pen
Super easy liquid eye pen for a 50’s look or a cat eye. I always go for black, which in this case is called Panther.
9) Mascara
L’Oreal Voluminous
I have been using this mascara since I was a kid. Really. Gives exactly what it promises-VOLUME!!!! In general, most L’Oreal mascaras are great because…..they own Lancome, who is famous for their advanced mascara formulations. So you get the same formula with cheaper packaging, but same great results.
Lancome Definicils
Great definition. All time classic
Charlotte Tilbury Full Fat Lashes
New find that I cannot get enough of!Buildable formula for a “falsies” effect.
I am a HUGE fan of eyeshadow palettes!!!
Charlotte Tilbury The Rock Chick
Tom Ford in Cocoa Mirage
Bobbi Brown
Anything Bobbi is amazing. You can customise your palette, which I have done and it was the best thing I ever did!

For my daily routine, which takes no more than 5 minutes(honestly), I always reach for #1,2,3,4,9. Not surprising I put them in that order 🙂 Let me know how they work for you! Next post will be on application tips.

Lots of love,

Top 15 Wardrobe Staples

My Celeb Boutique Dress
Holy Chic!!!

Don’t think you can build a wardrobe without these essentials! These items will never go out of style, so it is worth the investment. Here is my list of go to items:

1) Crisp, white button down shirt. My fave is Brooks Brothers-always crisp due to special fabric treatment. Great for traveling.
2) Black pencil skirt. Zara and JCrew have great ones; just make sure it is a nice, thick material
3) Black trousers. Yup. Full on trousers. All time classic. Ann Taylor has a great selection as well as Zara. My go to pair is Michael Kors. If they are lined, even better.
4) Black blazer. Lined. And make sure you can button it.
5) Classic Trench Coat. Definitely a worthwhile investment. I have had my Burberry one for years and still looks like a million bucks.
6) Classic Winter Coat. Preferably wool, cashmere, etc. Again, worth the investment as you will have it for years. Black, Gray, or Camel. My go to brand is Max Mara in Camel.
7) Cold Weather Coat that doesn’t make you look like the Michelin Man. Love Burberry, Moncler, and Max Mara.
8) A great pair of jeans that make your ass look fab. My fave brand is Hello Skinny! You can order online and they are made in the USA. Great cuts specifically designed to make the most of your figure.
9) A great white t-shirt that you can dress up or down. American Vintage and James Perse are my fave.
10) Dressy top in silk or something embellished that can dress up your staples
11) LBD that makes your bod look awesome. I love Celeb Boutique for great fabrics and designer cuts. Fabric is everything, so ensure for a nice, thick quality material
12) Black Cardigan. Cashmere will get you more bang for your buck. It is worth the investment.
13) A really good pair of black, opaque tights. Spanx Tight End Tights are my absolute fave!! They smooth everything and are a great foundation.
14) Jean Jacket. I have my sister’s hand me down Calvin Klein one for over 10 years now. You can dress it up or down. Looks great with unexpected looks, like a lady-like dress.
15) Cashmere Crew or V Neck Sweater in a classic color. JCrew is my go to brand.

Would love to hear if you have any additions! More to come on Shoes, Accessories, and Make Up!

Lots of love!!!